Digital Marketing
30 years ago the company’s appearance and success could be determined by the building it was in as well as the street the building was at. The biggest and most successful corporations had skyscrapers built for them right in the hearts of cities of Europe, UK and the US. Brands were successful if they had a shop on certain street, like Bond street in London or a shiny boutique right on the corner of a rich neighborhood.
Today this culture is almost gone. People all have cars, taxis, car sharing companies, electric scooters and other means of transportation to get to any place they want and so, the importance of your businesses location is diminishing. The old and mighty skyscrapers are getting behind the new and trendy loft spaces and co-workings that can be literally in an old plane hangar 20 miles out of the city. The world has changed and the understanding of what is essential for a company changed with it.
Nowadays, a well designed and crafted website can be the edge you need to beat your competitors. From highly interactive and functional websites to beautiful and bright colored ones- Devario is ready to provide them to you.
To put in simpler words: Digital marketing is a broad term that encapsulates all marketing channels and methods you can use to promote products or services on the Internet but also on electronic devices such as TVs, mobile phones and electronic billboards.
The main difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing is that digital marketing campaigns are executed exclusively through digital channels and this gives marketers more control, tools and data to analyze the effectiveness of a campaign.
Traffik and clicks
Devario specializes in providing a broad range of digital marketing strategies that will help your business flourish. A digital marketing strategy is a detailed plan on how you can utilize the different digital marketing channels to achieve your business goals.
When you design a digital marketing strategy you need to consider which channels to use, the resources (people, time and money) to assign to each channel and what to expect in terms of results.
A common mistake made by many digital marketing managers or small business owners is that they try to execute everything at once and at the end of the day they get no results.
Either because they don’t have the necessary expertise to run digital marketing campaigns or because they end up spending their budgets on channels that are not suitable for their business.
And if you are worried that it won’t get the traffic and clicks it deserves - don’t worry, we have this covered too!
Devario is ready to buy and sell traffic to promote the websites that are under our supervision and will always make sure, you have a nice start in the digital space.
Opening Hours
Mon-Fr: 9am – 4pm
Szamotulska 40/1A,
Poznan, Poland, 60-366